Commercial Policy

POAP Global Commercial Policy


POAP Global's Commercial Policy primarily supports the personal use of its platform, allowing individuals to place POAPs at specific landmarks or places of interest at their own expense for the dispenser, while the POAPs themselves are free. Commercial use, defined as businesses wanting POAPs at their locations or city-wide and country-wide initiatives, requires payment for the POAP right. The platform is not intended for personal financial gain, and those engaging in commercial use should consult with POAP Global for specific pricing details. Users must acknowledge and adhere to these policies when utilizing the platform.This Commercial Policy aims to outline the scope of acceptable use related to POAP placements and dispensers.

Personal Use

These POAPs are intended for specific landmarks or locations that have personal significance rather than commercial value or presence.

Commercial Use

Commercial use cases involve businesses or organizations wanting a POAP dispenser at their business location or a POAP that represents a city-wide or country-wide location. If your use case falls under what we consider "commercial," the POAP will incur charges.

What Constitutes Commercial Use?

  • Placement at a business location. Example: "You’ve visited Bob’s Barber Shop"
  • Suburb / County / Town specific placement. Example: "You've visited Birkdale"
  • City-wide specific placement. Example: “You’ve visited California”
  • Country-wide specific placement. Example: “you’ve visited United States”
  • POAPs that are intended for potential financial gain.


All commercial usages, including both POAPs and dispensers, must be paid for in accordance with our pricing structure, which will be communicated upon inquiry.


In essence, POAP Global aims to foster a community that shares POAPs for personal enjoyment and landmark recognition We reserve the right to deem any placement as commercial and thus subject to this policy.By using our platform, you agree to abide by this Commercial Policy. For any questions or clarifications, feel free to reach out to us. Thank you for being a part of the POAP Global community.

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